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What Is a Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim

What Is a Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim
April 5, 2011 lsadmin

A sexual harassment claim is one of two separate types of situations that typically constitute a sexual harassment claim.  This type of sexual harassment claim is created when an employee is subject to such behavior as unwanted touching, sexual humor or sexual innuendo.  Hostile work environment sexual harassment claims are not always easy to establish so it is important to consult with an experienced sexual harassment attorney if you are subject to this type of situation.  Louis Ginsberg is an experienced New York sexual harassment attorney who has played a fundamental role in the expansion of New York law in bring this type of sexual harassment claim.

Our New York employment law firm helped pave the way for making hostile work environment claims in New York easier to pursue by obtaining a decision that eliminated the requirement that conduct that constitutes a hostile work environment must be extreme and pervasive.  Under the more lenient standard that our law firm helped create, a victim of hostile work environment sexual harassment only needs to establish that the conduct whether verbal or physical was unwelcome.

There are many types of conduct that may contribute to the creation of a hostile work environment including making lewd comments, sexual jokes or inappropriate sexual references.  These comments can be verbal or even be part of electronic communications in emails, text messages or posts on social network sites including Facebook, Twitter and the like.

A hostile work environment can become so extreme that an employee does not even wish to report to work because of the threat of being exposed to such unwelcome behavior and comments.  A successful hostile work environment claim against your employer may require establishing that the employer had notice of the inappropriate and offensive conduct or comments and did not take remedial action.  Our experienced hostile work environment sexual harassment attorneys have helped expand the law in New York for these types of claims.

If you have been the victim of unwelcome sexual comments, offensive sexual humor or inappropriate touching, you may have a right to compensation.  As an experienced New York sexual harassment attorney, Louis Ginsberg will carefully investigate your claim and zealously pursue the legal compensation that you deserve.  A person should not be forced to endure a hostile work environment.  We offer a free no obligation initial consultation so that we can make an initial evaluation of your case.  Call us today at 1-800-LOST-JOB or 1-800-567-8562.